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L ROBERT McILHENNY UNGER "Bob" History Westminster,Maryland \Vcstminster High School Irving literary Society; Gold Bug Circulation Manager '25, '26; Officers Club; 1st It. R. O. T. C.; Battalion Staff Intelligence Officer; RiAc Team '26, '27. "''The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream." "BOB" came ~_traight from Westminster High .School to Western Maryland College WIth the one idea of completing his education, and though not a book-worm, he has more than succeeded III carrying out his intentions, There is no one more willing to help in every phase of college activity than "Bob" This willingness to co-operate has won for him many friends among the student body and the faculty as well. When "Bob first entered college he was especially inclined toward dramatics, bur when he in all the glory of his six feet seven inches of perfect manhood stood before the class in dramatics and recited, "1 have a little shadow that goes in and out with me", he made such an impres- sion that he decided to major in history "Bob" has shown that he possesses real business ability by the way in which managed the circulation of the Gold Bug. Many Alumni have expressed appreciation of his efficiency. But we have left the chief interest of "Bob" for the last. Khaki is his favorite color, carrying a saber his favorite pastime, and making monographs his favorite occupation page ninety-nine
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