Page 51 - YB1925_Classical
P. 51
HERBERT EUGENE HUDGINS English "Huggie" Baltimore, Maryland W estern Maryland Preparatory School Webster Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Presi- dent Y. M.- C. A., '25; S. S.; Monthly Staff, '24, '25; Theological Association; ALOHA Staff; Class Football, '22; Jesters, '22; Norment Con' testant, '23; College Players, '24, '25; Editor W. M. Handbook, '24. "Humility, that low, sweet root, From which all heavenly virtues shoot." T HE old saying that the best goods come in small packages is certainly true in "Huggie's" case. Little Herbert decided to forsake the Delta (Pa.) High School's direction for the cultivating influence of "Brute Hall," which he graced with his presence in 1920.. After the usual course of instruction and insurrection of prep days, he was graduated and took his place in college. "Huggie" deserves all the praise we can give him. He is an obliging com' rade, ever ready to do a favor, and willing to put himself out to help others. Because of these attributes the Y. M. C. A. selected him for its President, and "Huggie" has made the "Y" a real force for good on the "Hill." Aside from this, Herbert is budding into an orator and actor of note. The College Players could not do without his humor. If it takes a smile to make the world go round, Herbert will surely keep it in motion. [43}
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