Page 54 - YB1925_Classical
P. 54
ELLISON RUE CLAYTON History "Ellie" Cambridge, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory School Webster Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Bach- elors' Club; Vice-President Senior Class; Man- ager Baseball, '25; Officers' Club. "I love it, I love it, and who shall dare To chide me for loving that old armchair?" I most of our co-eds from time to time, and has sponsored female banquets Nhis five years at Western Maryland "Ellic" has taken a fatherly interest in in the Tea Room. His quality of bashful winsomeness and his polished manners have undoubtedly unconsciously captured many of the fragile sex. At this time it seems extremely fitting to speak of "Ellie 's" political persuasion. For a long time he was a Davis follower, when some Moore-Davis news caused him to abandon all hope as to a Davis triumph. But "Ellie" is not a ladies' man exclusively, as his classmates illustrated by electing him to the office of Vice-President of '25. He also holds an office in his club, and was selected for the position as Baseball Manager. It is impossible not to like "Ellie." He is so genuine, so happy-go-lucky, so adept in the art of making friends and holding them.. "Ellie" is one of the most popular members of the class of '25, and we feel sure that he will fill his life measure creditably. [46]
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