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WILBUR ANDERSON CLARK History "Fats" Queen Anne, Maryland Tri-County High School Irving Literary Society; Bachelor Club; Offi, cers' Club; Y. M. C. A.; Varsity Baseball, '22, '23, '24, '25; Wrestling, '24; Soccer, '25; Class Football, '22, '23; Class Basketball, '22, '23, '24; Class Baseball, '22, '23. "The ran~ is but the guinea's stamp, The man's the gowd for a' that." H ISfew enemies respect him, the girls say he's cute, even the faculty. has His many achieve- a good word for him-and his classmates love him. . ments have been based on his conscientious effort to do his best at all times in all things. Never an extraordinarily brilliant player, it was always "Fats" who steadied the wildest pitchers, who backed up first and third like a big leaguer, who injected pep into the whole team with his irrepressible fighting spirit. These qualities were recognized by the varsity baseball squad when they selected "Fats" to lead them through the season of '25. N ever a genius in the military line, it was "Fats," whose unflagging interest and snappy nature, coupled with his own peculiar power of .exacting the finest co-operation from his men, won for him the temporary captaincy in ·the exigency of inspection. Never a particularly bright scholar, his marked aptitude for the science of Geology called forth much comment from the class and the opportunity for special instruction from the department head herself. "Fats'" fighting spirit and his effervescent good humor endear him to the hearts of everyone he meets. In the final reckoning, when the angel who keeps the Judgment Book requests his credentials, "Fats" will probably retort, "Get out of my way, or I'll knock you flat!" But he'll get in for all that. [48]
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