Page 48 - YB1925_Classical
P. 48
OLIVER FERNANDIS BETTON Greek "Sir Oliver" Baltimore, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory School President Webster Literary Society '24; Y. M. C. A.; Manager of Football '23; Class Honors, '22 '23; Honorable Mention, '24; Business Man' age~ 192 5 ALOHA; Inter-Society Debater, '22, '23, '24; Inter-collegiate Debater, '24, '25; Col- lege Players, '24, '25. "'Thy purpose firm is equal to the deed; Who does the best his circumstance allows, Does well, acts nobly; angels could no more." T HE calm and sedate-looking gentleman, represented in the picture above, entered from the Western Maryland Prep School in 1921. Since his fresh- man year Oliver has changed remarkably. Besides gaining avoirdupois, he has gained for himself the admiration of his fellow students and faculty as a scholar and leader. A gold emblem on his watch chain signifies two years at the helm of his class in scholarship. Those who know Oliver know him as an all- around man, a hard worker, and a "good scout;" he is a leader in practically .every activity on the "Hill." To the student body it will seem, indeed, strange when debates take place in the future without the figure of Betton on the plat' form. The Senior class is, indeed, fortunate in having him at the helm of the finan- cial and business management of its annual, and a large part of the workings of the ALOHAwere dependent upon him and his ability to see things through. Oliver likes to do other things, though, besides study and work. He loves the birds, the trees, the flowers, and all Mother Nature's charms-especially the "Woods." Oliver leaves his Alma Mater with those qualities that are so essential to sue- cess in after life; and in every case where you find a classmate who can pick a winner you will find him betting on Betton. [40]
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