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Western Maryland College Sunday School Officers Superintendent DR. HERBERT T. STEPHENS Secretary MABEL ANNA SMITH Treasurer PAUL LAMBERTSON . . Mustcal Directors, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. {BLANCHE CAROLYN FORD CHAPIN WALKER DAY Librarians {JMOHND ·RWILLIAMS ARY L . ICE Organist " " MABEL ANNA SMITH Publicity Chairman HERBERT E. HUDGINS Teachers DR. HERBERT T. STEPHENS MISS JULIA CORINNE TROY DEAN M. M. ROBINSON PROFESSOR LLOYD M. BERTHOLF PROFESSOR TAMESB. RANCK MRS. LUCILLE N. SANDERS .' MISS FAYE REES T HE Sunday School has been the centre of a very earnest and helpful relig- organized, there are seven classes- ious life on College As at present Hill. two Teachers' Training, and five studying the International Lessons. The hour is short, but the service has been of deep spiritual value to all who have attended. The Musical Directors have provided special musical numbers, vocal and instrumental, Professor Bertholf leading the orchestra. The Christmas serv- ice was pronounced the most impressive religious service of the college year. Its message lingers with us still. Mother's Day and several other special days were fittingly observed. Don't miss being connected with this organization next year, if you make your home on College Hill. The experiences there will never be forgotten. [209J
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