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have had to be excluded that formerly have been included in the daily routine of life; and that many things formerly excluded have had to be included. "Unre- servedly." As one repeats the word he realizes the vastness of its meaning. The girls, who have endeavored to the best of their ability to make this a part of their life's program, have become more kind-hearted, more generous, more unselfish, and less critical. "Jesus's law of love." The program of the Association for the year has been worked out on this theory. Much has been accomplished. A new "Y" room has been an added attraction and asset. Its social room has afforded an inviting meeting place for groups, where they have held both parties and more serious meetings. It has been a rest and reading room for individuals. Young men have also met the young women here in social hours. As a result of having an open recreation room, a more friendly spirit and closer acquaintanceship has been made possible between the girls in various groups. Thus the law of love has been devel- oped more fully. The section of the room devoted to the prayer services is as attractively fur' nished as the clubroom. Earnestly and' prayerfully the girls have met here to listen to others as they have told how the law of love is working as they view life. Girls have met here in discussion groups and seriously faced the perplexing problems that the young people of today must face. They have delved deeply into the problems surrounding "the most unsecluded, unsuppressed, unsuperin- tended youth of all time." It has been extremely difficult and many issues have remained unsolved. However, it has been found possible to apply Jesus's law of love in every question that has come up. "In every relationship" emphasizes the word, unreservedly. The immediate problem of group relationship within the college has needed no solution, for there has been a splendid spirit of friendship and co-operation. Discussion groups have considered race relationships and that social relationship which exists between men and women both on this campus and the campus of life. "And so to know God." The ultimate aim of the year's work has been to give to all girls a more intimate knowledge of God. Because of the very fact that He has created us human beings, we have been weak and have not succeeded so well as we would like to have. However, since we did Our best, that is sue- cess. "To widen the bounds of our love we have come, Till it blends with the bound of the dawn, To extend the scope of service and hope, Till envy and strife are withdrawn." [208J
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