Page 219 - YB1925_Classical
P. 219
THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 8 Nov. 25 '24 Western Md. Humbles Lo·Yola The wUI'k (d' wns of the UK\1 the line tile OU Was UcRuble meeling W{'dnesM the tiling that I was 'Iij Waf Juett- e very man, in uvar-y led Lhe meeting, tcotc (lin it, was OOt JnStilied uutlCI' 'rhe winning of Ihl~ ~gnme leaves but "1t,. lUIY condtnoue. or ch'(iumtiUl.nC(HI. 1-1(1 ~l. ~hu'Y'~ to he pJnYftri and beaten en elnlmed that tbtn~ could he no such tbhlg Thnnl'Bgh'ing Day In order that western ns , (letoIlHiv(\ war. I \!nl'\ taud umy lay ctnuu to fitful! Chnmpton- A great deal ot Interest was by lll'(f\llit:d Jl.hill. the LOplc and tnauy arguments 11I'O and COli In W61'C tuu-oduced. The g&neral cptnton aocmed tn be tbut nn ortenatca \VQr WUM net jus'tlt1ud, ,blH that 8. nation: ahcut.l »rc- UtL'l WI cith::l'lIti 11)' lhll Ui(I {Ie arms, It B{'IlIwr S':II'" I)hr~h""\'f' uurl I)nrf.. '",kf'ojlt necexsnrr. O'~od (~Illn,.. til (1 (ll'eltmil181'Y' game th the Loyolu ANSOr~CF.lIEs'r! frnl'tI~, lhl' "Rally Tvr rora' were oUt~lll(lk~ were Due to the Thnnk9gh'iJlg recess "The Go~il by the h!'nl'Y :\11, Sr. )'fal'Y'1S PrflpA 0..0, Smith Bug" will not. be pnbllyhed next we3k (uHI ·'tookefl" I 'I'lli' 'loOilhilnet't'1! 51'orad in the third Richter lu A Iluartt>r wh4'n C'\unartl, Fl'N.hman Qunrtcr- IlI'Qved play, exl,erL which OripPln and t\lrn1i~bed will lake LblR Ollf\OrnwllY or wishing all tt~ phQLOgral)hers. rl'!ifm(!R R pll'R~allt holld IY, hlld" Q:llowi'rl .Q PUll! to BlI) thrn hl~ Hnge,.,s. the menllllAnt. nlHl thl- IHfhjocts ·rh.~ l)all wat:! l'f'('ovned hy K«>liy who cnr~ f'rf'ut(,(j IlItwh 1.llvhlel'. ' _- - ri(>d 1l m'('r for Ill\" ylRltors, They (ailed In R(>(l'("Rhmentf'l and favors wer(' Ou':n A f-In'WKSTU)N thf'lr try tor point. Luter In tht! game (he J)('!'vtld in tho 'PIlf'l/)t$, and the We would Itlll1'gesl tbai the or('hel!tra Emmif1'I)J)1"1l:l4n(elv mAn tllm(f)lp(1 one (If kent thtng$ Hvely tor ~hc: rellt of the I?v~n~ l ring!\! Hie bf'lll for "CHOW" P('t'son Who "r.ln~l"r~tl~ (C'onflnuel1 on Pi1~(> thrcl',) In~, .. J While," [211] •
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