Page 212 - YB1925_Classical
P. 212
Y. M. C. A. President H. E. HUDGINS Vice- President Secretary C. L. TRADER H. C. BURKINS 'Treasurer Bible Study C. W. DAY O. F. BETTON Deputation Jail F. W. GRIPPIN W. G. DAWSON News Music W. V. BELL ]. F. WOODEN Publicity Social ]. L. WEIHRAUCH ]. D. JOHNSON Welfare I. M. DINKLE "BILL" WOOD, football coach and "Y" Secretary of Gettysburg College, puts it this way: "Make Jesus Your Pal." Bruce Barton, referring to the Man of Nazareth, puts the same thought this way: "He, too, was young, and is; He, too, loved laughter and life." The spirit that prompted these two men to give expression to such thoughts is the spirit that has led the Young Men's Christian Association the past year. Too long has Jesus been confined to formal religious' meetings; the Association's efforts this past year were directed toward releasing this Joyous Companion in order that He might "pal" with the students not only in the weekly prayer- meetings, but also in inter-class athletics, in "sings," in "doggie" feeds, and in inter-collegiate conferences. Practically every man on College Hill was benefited in some way by the Y M. C. A. Many of the men were benefited by attending the "Y" meetings; some, by participation in the inter-class athletics promoted by the "Y"; and still others had the opportunity of assisting in the work of the Deputation Team. Aside from these and other activities, the "Y M." joined with the "Y W." in issuing and giving to students and faculty a Handbook, the first issued at Western Maryland since 1918. [204]
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