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Y. w. c. A. President FLORENCE LOUDEN Vice' President 'Treasurer MIRIAM STRANGE ADELE OWINGS Secretary Pianist MYRA RULEY . GERTRUDE JONES Chairmen Publicity Social Service JESSIE FINKBINE SERENA DRYDEN L f: Undergraduate Representative Sales RUTH LENDERKING VELMA RICHMOND Social Religious VIRGINIA PITTMAN KATHERINE RICHARDS World Fellowship Hall LELIA HITE BESSIE HAYMAN Reporter DOROTHY GILLIGAN "W E unite in our determination to live unreservedly Jesus's law of love, and so to know God." Filled with an intense enthusiasm and a spirit of renewed rever, ence, the girls returned from Eagles Mere to the Young Women's Christian Association on the Hill. There was the feeling that the local Association was united with that large National and International group of students, which had accepted the challenge of the "Holy Grail," and were adventuring forth with the spirit of the present-day young person, in search of a modern, practical applica- tion of Jesus's law of life. Throughout the entire year the girls in the "Y" have been looking forward and upward, thinking in terms which have included all mankind. "We unite in our determination" with those the world over who are following Christ in an endeavor to make this world a better, finer dwelling-place. "To live unreservedly." What a tremendous word in its scope-unreservedly. It has been difficult, as are all great and worth-while tasks. It has meant the humbling of self, the incessant working for others. It has meant that many things [207] •
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