Page 124 - YB1925_Classical
P. 124
• MARGARET FRANCES PYLE History "Martie" Delta, Pennsylvania Highland High School Philomathean Literary Society; W. W.; J. G. C.: Y. W.C.A.; Harford County Cluc. "A heart as soft, a heart as ~ind, A heart as sound and free As in the who1.e world thou can'st find." S o, you see, there's nothing wrong with Martie's heart. You might wonder that she has any heart left-it has entered into so many friendships, it has been so often pierced by Cupid's darts. And why are these lines applied to her? Because Martie is a true friend, one who will sympathize with you and help you; one who will rejoice with you, and play with you. Never daunted by opposition; never outclassed 111 argument; never wanting for a witty retort, she has a mind of her own, and a will to speak it. These, in addition to her sunny disposition, her even temperament, her personal attractive' ness, have won for "Martie" quite a group of loyal friends. As a student, she has shown herself capable; as a girl, she has displayed her qualities of good sportsmanship; as a friend, she has proved herself worthy and true. [ 115]
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