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P. 156
PTI,tUJor ot IIj"or_I': '·Un .. must h .. Inhoriuusly turcful Ihul he !lo.,s 1\01 ereate 1& $urr~l'titiol,lll IltmO~llht're." "rUI",sor of Bioloj!v: "If that is n rOtln of "ujoym"nt. I ;':0 uu r~eord us strongly oloj .... liuj!" 10 it." Prot"~'1or of I'h,I'lIi~8: .• :lol~ 1110." ('(,RTAIN H"l'ne II. .'IIl'ully Reem. Timl': Thirt,l' rnilllll"~ lnter. ~'Utult,\' still in ~1'J8ion. I'ror~s~or or Biolo~~': •. :lotr. Prealdvnt , I move that the Tr"II~llrer he Illllhori1.ed to expend $f'!,iil for huloes tor pI! se lenlifie students nnd luusmueh 1I~ " PlUr"~~or lit lIistllry (1lIlJ"lnjl;): .. 1(" .. "11 my gr,lriouli cppurr uulty. ItUISlUlirh Il~ ,h e pnthwlIY hus b"t'll so Il'I0ri()W'I.I· 0lwn.·,t til my udvcut or thi" lIuhj.,(·\, I request tl.nt II ... Trt'n~un'r tll' nUlhorbwd 10 '·.IM'l,,1 :f'97.lIl tor hoens ror m.I' R0l'hOutOrt. Hillory t·,·u,~. \\'orli~ tllil 10 ,·l[llt.·~" my ulld~'ing Ilnill)ositf towued Ih~ir uneeutlt demennor, 80 I mUSI ,,·1." 011 tht- flu,h'reul 10 "l[l)rl'1<~ my Innermoat eumtiena. PTllt!'~'"tr of ('I1t'1Ui~lr~': "If thl' FJ\~ull)' dlll'lI not 9('i.' fil 10 do I hill, I ~nn tuk,' it off Ih"ir br\·ukol{l' rllrd,.'· Prur,·~""r uf I'h"sirll' "Thol' n Knllli id,'n," t'ulll·j.!'i'I·r,·,id,·UI: '·W,· ",ill l1Lk~ thi~ mat te e uudee ndvlaemeut, J will n~k thl' Pruf~~~ur of I'h~'siI'8 to r"port un tllt'mattl'r," 1'10(,·. or nf Ph"~i<"1 l~iJ.!htl ~,'nrjl~'): "n"IWI'I'Ii m!lrried lit,· nnd my I'oll~gl' tlntit'ill knull' lI0l'l·Ut·'·.·· Prot" ..or uf ()rutr.r~': "If tht' I'rof'~lIor ut I'hylll,'~ tlnd.!I Ihl' tllllk butt'suml', I I1Innll "u ..'l:.~t th:lI \'lJ() ..~tUIlI' him I"ltl 18kl' the IlI'xt thnt elln S,'I' lilt' llt'J\uty In il." Prof"nor of Iii tor.I·: "1 willlllrl\\\' J11~' motiun, On R""oll,l thuught, I hl'll.>I·(> thnt ,Iut' to thfO I'ropi1Itluil.,' of th"IIN'1I0Ul! 11lliuntiun to thedt'61r"11 nttui1lment, Ihllt I, lilt", Ii"", lI'ili gin· thtnl hurns lI'hit-1I gold l'Ollnot 1)('Tj)l'ltInti' lI'ith itl Jll'eullinr~'" .\ great .le.iTI' is shollu b~' nil IU Inulfh, bnt th .. 8t(,TllH IInlnr .. pretiominute!. ('l'RT.\I:\ \1"1' II. 'finl!': On.' W<'l'k I..IlIl'r. 1',,,f'''''lOr of Moil..,l1 J.l'ln~1I'Jl"6: "Mll h' tOlll'lur!t· m.v remnrkl, Mr, I'rf'!lid~nt. I ~II\' Ihlll ,unwlhinlt mll~1 I..· ,11U1I" 10 Ih"I,· l'hnl','1 d~linqll"lIt.. If Ihill i~ OIlIlWf'rI, I \lOl,M 11111lik,. to ~'U' "hul til,· h'IUI! WIlUJ.! Ill', I find it hllIIOll~ihli' III "'llki' Ih~t11 utt'lId." 1'",( •••""., ut Phil"""l'h~- "'flliM j~ I) j'hrl'!Wl1 I'ull~".·, fuul1lh'.1 hy ('hrlatillll m~lI, &n,1 11lIlintain",1 UIII1. r ('I0,;"li&n }"II rllll~1 hI! ~on ~i,l"rf"I.' , prot .... or of _\i"J ..rn L.u.ngllagu \lnuaing): "IIIIIlK Ih .. I, _I'[rltuul 11'111(11'1', It II tbotlluhwul lurol. I aID Ihlnkinl!ur." Ent ..r Prot ... ur of t'h"lIli"lry, lI'i111 Mlld."d. I:Inll ('lInoli. Pr .. ~ill.'nl of {'oil .." .. (Mhoo:1l1:d); .. Ar .. IIH'~I' th.: 1111'111"
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