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P. 151
Faculty Meeting Exrraordinaire ··~·fI(>ull.\· "MIll' HI ord"f, )11.-n...,," qUO!1l ,lit, ""orlh,'" Pr<"Sid,'nl: ., Roml' verv wfilthl)" I.rplll,-mll lHI .... I 11IU~I. 1wrfnu"', present .•• And forthwith (,Igllt.,· dlnlr-Il"i::" stood ntn-ntiou on Ih.. floor, And the ge rule n'-'lIn of Womrn A"OI lit'. )1.-11 til kl"l']1 the 1I<"0fl'. "Thl' rending of th .. minu,,,&, Mr. ~"('rt'lnr~', pl"'h";" 1I,'re llr. ~U100I,Wilh I;rn~"flLl "11\\,'" just C(I\-",...l up I. ~n<'.I". Th" Affr(>llIi ... brit" II(,II"~ hi .. nOlI''', Iln') r<'1I,1" "o'n ....rOllrl.· .. n ro;al1', Prof. \\'oollhf'n.\ 1}{)lIr~ in rll~,·lll\l to 1"I>rknl.- the joinl;t. "Til .. m;lIult's IItnlld nNI.olj-,I, "'\nj "", 7:111"'1 'lUI ~I. ltuII"It'ur. f:I'('1I 'O'l'hhtrn' 1101 'hlln,I,'" flO," the k.-,-n .,'rf'nrh I'r"'{t"~~:lirf', "~:Lml' Ihinl:, unit' IhillJ:'.-th,·rt' Is 110 .lif," Mi,' Ih"I1II,<, ....(lrlh~· :-"'fiht,, ":\"01'0, O,·,,'1<'m('II," ""i.l Pro'xv, !!tlfl, ·'in.lul~.' no .Iillritwl" .• ,\111' wor.\ from n"~" on .. who y.-('ould ernumunieate Th"ir "0.'9 to thte n"s"U1bl"gl' III'." ILl 11t·1,1 ".ljll.1i(',I1.·· .. "YI'''. Mr. Preeident , (hlll'l' n Ion!!:,lo'tith'll hcre : Th ... ~allh~ 1\'11111 ~Ion.hl~' lIi~ht, t!u·y ~:lI. for Ih.llt'''<'·<'ll thi~ y('~r. Fril1~_,' night'B Ilr"",·llIpI.,,1 I,~' lilt' pneti-uus of ~I',...d,; ~tur,l:,,' i8 J.'oothnll. jo(l Ih;8 11001\1111.''-now h.,~,·.·~h.·· "Th"_I"'"r 111,"('onR('nl,~lin"rl!l sahl, "In 1,'IIIi.' nin.,-fotty,fhi.'; .\nd ~1lt'l\1lnDI mot e thnn thirty HIlI!l. You ~tt'. my I'll ...... alilt', 1'h., huys hn'" ",.rlor hnlt the 1;1111',-more tillll' IIflult! n..ver ,Io!" ., Thol " right, that '. righl," laid aIi'm }.lin L('I1St',•• :Min. I .j:tt't' ""ith yon! 1'"lIlInll taboo, 1I1I,lapl"u, toe, wt"ll place btui'llth the bllll: lee erenm, An,ltak .. }1;u Tro~' fAIL IIlnkt'; thi'y'r .. ~ood for .D~·DI.D~" Tlml 'Iu,'~tinn '.-tll.'d. n..1:1 Ih"r~ ~nm~ ItIL indl"li(1n kill,l, ~'rom I~IIr'·ll1·1"'llflH'U' Guild 10 ,""IIt' nn.} 11"'n' r.-IAX th.. lUin.1, "I hop .. "111'11 'r"A.-h..r nOli will M.",,'· ">11.1l'rt,):~-, "-ilt.,, ~mi] ... "IIe,I'o fil'" iy n",·i]'r'l4·.- hoI' ;nti.nil,'l,'· 'Knl~h II"hi\!'! \ud IIU, I hal)", 11m nOli I'lIIh,,,I'<' thl. "1'I"IOrlunil~ \011-, ",hn will 1:0' _\Inlt. _\111~! HlliM.'.1hlln,l~ ~f"ft·"mnrt' Ih"D IhTI't'! "\'011"'111111' I;nl<'," Prof. ".\11.,,'" ~ni,l, "to ~l'riuJ! thl' ~1;~-.oDTi t'url"1 ~'rom Ihr,'" Vif'n '-IJ1II wi,]rning "lIl1lh.', 1111.1 nt'\,r, 11"'-," ",,-.-t\(', 1'01;1 " •.',1' dr.-It-,] h,,~k la thtt,~, 11I1<11Ai<1\1,\· m\'''''n~ 101f!" "1'\1 II1:h1 \','1 la .,'t' IIt'nth," now irllllk.., .it1, ~n.\.l.n 1,,"'1 .ad glo ... Til" }',.-nrh IrlL t,-nlimdr.' gUll, wilh t:nt::li.h (jrO'{-k .'ili....
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