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\1111 ]{nn."M j!ntliuJ,! }!lIn, nil t,..ill<,.1 to hit Iwt"'N'1I uie I'.\'I'RI '1'101'"""inl phiz lind 11I1II;UOI'8 l'lltl' Itr dl'OT (lIt! Ilr. YOIlUU, !'rot!U\'I'" I'nt"iil,· waves of 111'"1'rt' nnw [I'lt nltwberes lit 0111'1'; SUrt· in th., reuv 1,"!lUII thnt tiny, 110,' fnuw,\ :\li~~ollr; t'ueve WII~ hnrhr.f\.,ltI '" ,'yj'~ show 1110011: "'fltHI' ill" hllllrlt," hI' ".,.~, aa.'·s ne, "hn\"(' tnk"u forks nll,11I1100118: 'fl,,',· "hnuM he hnil)!""III" -hilt, ]"1',10, here, Mi,,~ Lewle ~I,,,tly awocus. nel'U.t ~ 011 t'1111<3 F'ill"u,'.,'1 ('I' \1.,.1, I'rof, Ho,·haefl'l'r }l,'11i hi~ r,'j'!, "Thl' I To.,\""ls (If Ihnl .l.lill"trt'l ~htl w ." this, "'itll to ahuw of 1"'llt, ·'W~r.' 11.111111"10 >lUIII'I.I· our Rnml ... ith i"~trllnt"'1U 1.111,1,trum!!; WI' 110\\ .'nn'l 11Iu' ~hl'l'I mu~id j'I",~ IhuHl<'irrs IH,' bUill.!" TI,,' ('nl,tnin III'''': and :\Ii'~ ~1U1l1rtl gin' {IICU 011 Ih'h!~ lind I'''urt~; Pro'. isanoj.!1,' Ih"11 jlTlH.-Iltll Il1t,'lIi1fl'n~1' Rqlort!l Thl' 1r0.,,1 '";'-" Pn>~i.!t'nl, III "0"'1' tlu' 1111111."jolt" Illill jilT!!, ~UJ.!If"~t~ the menl!'j'U rl mil Ih.' tower nnd ifll:ti' n ... hlle 011 lIars: But ('aptain !-:mith, ",jth uni((lrm ot mnnl' II hUll Iltl,llIlIndl', :-'1.. "," Ihut we ft'!..IITII!t' "n,'r TIlJ!" ... it!t t'ul'lIlt ... I'nradt'l ":'\1'" IIU~;IIl··.t·, 1I"rt' .'tI,' 'Iu~rk "'murk,,, "1.1'1 lI~w IIffait~ 114)1,1 "','r: 1."I'~ IIdUI' ~(ln'" "hI {"UlI~,"111\\11 lib .. , th .. hustling Mr~. ~t(l\'t'r, "I (" .. I lik" ... nrhlillJ,! ~nnl" IIltl ~(lIlU," 11110111 .iL,..ll! ah.hl'l IIMri~: -'r.~ lllljtrn,., ~"itl,"I'1! I'III~' il1~I\'n.I, 'Th,.. Days W .. ~Iel [" I'llrl~I" "Y ..~, I,tal' n ~Irllin til .'Z1~.' 11'" Imill," MiM th'tl.!flll'r Illit!lIuhlim"ly, '" 'II l'IOIIUt! tit ... k,,~'~ £If nly mntblul'," :-'11" nichmoud (Iuote. nil tim~I~'. "\ think {'I! Ilumber Oil n"bile, nn,1 IbUIly play my Itllrt; ,"urr I'll ,uf,"i\"l', Willi Imrlling '1111,"- .it! YllUtbfu! B"rlitl Flurt. -'f'n Linthi~lIl11 I!tPlljtht Ihf"d Ilrt'fl'T nil 1'11'1I1l'1I1I1 "PUr81', \11,1 .tlUW !tIlW hri~hl 1I,,.I.'fllllit .. ""III 1."'lrlllu)t at It, ..oU,,·I'. "]',llik .. tlllllr"t! out '>I'II"UlI' knj,ll. IIr n~1 tm "'lIl1" I[n'.,,, ~wHrd: \ Ihink j't! "\"o':n litis h,';It!:.lrl", IIff," ~nJd, tlll'll. 1],'lllltr.' lliM Wur,1. "Twtl !);.'tlU"Uli,·" mUfh w,' 1""',1," .\lio~ norOlh.l· 1'"11,,.1,.,1; ~Ii~" 1'1'1'11"11 m01",1 \\,' 1111'" ntlj')Ufn, nnt! nnl II ~(lUt "Ollll' I.,tll •• 1 PU), mlll·h 1,1"'k,'.I. mllrll ,:ralili",t," Ih .. \""81.],'111 1111" ~1l1.1: "Thi~ " II "111l,lrt"," .'lIfllll\·1 I'U It", n ... hornl' III Iwolf \\',,'11 ",,'.'t I'U r,·~t 111\' n,'n ... : "1111;1\ ~tllHrlinh'. U!l,t th,'11 "1"1\ tr.\· Tu l>'ltll' .. ,111\' lIIort' '11'" 1101.. , W"'ft' ("IJulIn .. ,I, now, ..h", .11.'." Pr,'~itl~III' ~hllitioli. ,,,-.,~t"TI' Mllnhlllt1 1'(,11'"1:'" II. 'r. ~., H,,·rl'lllr,~. I'rll 11,,,1, \p"l'lllh.., \lltb, 1Y.!1.
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