Page 158 - YB1922
P. 158
Peesideut of College: "\ ask thnt thi8 he vct ed .10\\'11." Chorus: "Qu('~tion!" fll,",)r: ",'1'." Prelliuent of ('0111'11": "Question I'nlll'tI for. ,\11 in ProfeSliors of Bioloj.')' nnd Ph.'"siI'8: ··Ay,·." {'hoTus: "Xay." Prealdeut of ('01\".:,,: "'I'h" morieu i.\l 10000t." 0.-1111 of Women: "1 InOH' 111111wl'dl'priH' tl u- 111 of [.Ilrlur. Prott'8Sot of Orlllor.'": "nul IILI'.\· \Ill not et tr-tul jl;lrlur." Dean of women, "'I'lInl mnkrs no .WT,'rt·IH·,'. Bt'IIrile 1111'11)"" th"i if t!..,y wmu. to go thev will nOI be nllowf'tl 10,10 it." ProfeSllQr of rh'.lI: .,' lIe.,ontl lilt' 11101;011." rre~itll'nt of Colli'g.·: "",,~' rl'mnrk~. CI'w~t:o'" .\11 th(>~!' in rllH.r, '\y.,." ('horus: ".-\Vl'." Prl'sicient of ('ollegl': "OIII'O!>t'tI, ~II_V." Pr{lfl's!!-Ou of Biology nnd C'h,· ""11'-." PrHiill'nl of Collejre: "Th{' motiOI! i~ '·IIHi.'d. Mollon fur n.ljullrnm,'nl l~ ill ortll'r.' , Prof,,!sor of Philu'{lph~': "I IIIO"'_" Ihal WI' adjourn." Prt'sitli'nt {If ('olle~t': ··It Ih"h' n ."I'ond (0) (hut u,utiolll" PTofe~sor of .;.11I~8Iion: "I 1I"'''l)nll il.·' Peealdent I)f ('olleg": ., .\11 in revor, ,\1'''','' ('horu,; "Ave." PTi'~ldent of (,olll'ge: "OpP"lIl',I, ~a.,." Proft'll!!or of Biology: '·~nr." President of ('oIJl'gt' (hl'lI\'h' .Ij:lh of r<.I;<·f): ,. W.' nr,' mljnurued. I. lTRT.\l\"
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