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P. 153
;\I" denr \'nl'l.' nudl~y:- 10h~\~mm~\'(~.~I.!(\;~U:'~·I~~~;~1;nj~(I~n~~:,'~I)'~!'JtU\~;;('~~)j~.~~lMr:~ll,;,I;'i':.:~~n~h~~~!I~inr~~~:: \\"ith Itirl. of Ih~ rllrr 1."])<-. {'ult,~~ you IwlJl me, I nud Diy tru"h,.1 mnndclin \\ill ~n,1 II all in Rool", 1)(1111. 1l'·~I",·rnt,'I.\"-,",'Iur.." Kt:"'l.IO~1l !lOPP, ;\1'1' d('f1r no_\,: Llsten 10 your ';'III1('r, ~'nu litll .. "~nun,lr~l. I,m if vcu n'~1 U\I' lh(' lnt t ..r ,untw, h~ sure ,h., )'our mnndolill ,It'rIRlh'~ will, you nN,rl'nr!(';- I Am lookinJ: (01\\'1\.11 to th .. time "h.·n I ..lInll Ill' the \lifr of • milkmltll. It will .,... nt'<:('~!lIlT\"to he ('('onomilonl tho' hIlPI'Y. l\in,l1.,· t .. n nit" 1>(lv. lIa~b i~ rna.!.', ur-n..ri. DOT. lh 1,;IIII'1\r."(I; , !lnth i. not mp-d,', It l\t'enmlllnl"~. r. n. '!.Iv rn~lt': }-'nr hI' u rrnm 1I\l' 10 kllo,·k till' [linin!: rnum Iurv, hut I fillltl II. ml'lll .d the s"h hnth En' flim nn,1 sennt v. PIt'II~" advise n ""'IIIl" (lr IlIlinl.! "1'. Y(Ou, .. in IInll.l.!,·r, s\':,\slll:o\F. IIETT .My SII\r\"inJ::);i('te:- Turn II traeker nON "'Iie in your nl'~ophogu8 an.' drink thrt'f' ritrhe~ ot water. Your Helpfull'D.l'le. t'nel('Dud:- Romt'ont toM In(' thlll goMut r"nth('u mnol' fine I,illo", ... \rt' thev fJ'O'lling nlt'l 1I. \. '!.Il'TT !oh Innur ..nt 'I·ph..\\": Ynu 'HI' &jlOof",1. lloufus f'-lltho'rilllt' til .. ful'.t ..n i I_~h, '1>1Ir lot':1rntd 1".rl ... l'n.-l"J)mllt,,·: i'lnf'e Ihe ur.-nuou~ ~o.-\ul ~t'I\~OIl ~uh~i,lt",. 1 ~..,m ~"ttlC't('II.'I,· ..h"nt'ro!'o;l, ~n I RoM'\. ~ll;>n~I', l'\uRitl'sl ,,01111" lI:implt' 81t"rl' In .10,1'" I"~' ~d'itu,lt-. ~"rr"lIItu'h', Slorrov.flll ~.ra'n :".\R.\11 i'inlph' ~.'n.,your "nrrlly, illg ~nnl tn iol(ll"!lllln'~ S!,,'h', 11""". Ilu,I' II i~ '0 'lui I ,IIt'rl' that you ... n l"::lr n jl:"lll tlroll. .\lht;>r.'I~h·. l·'l'l.)~ IIt'HLt:\
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