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P. 151
The score for the entire season is, Western Maryland, 70, Opponents, 24. This record speaks for itself and plainly shows the superiority of our team over her rivals. On account of our new gymnasium being not yet completed, our winter sports, basket ball, indoor base ball, and indoor athletics had to be abandoned. At this early period of the season great interest is being manifested in the base ball department. The team has a heavy schedule before it,but we feel confident that our boys will prove themselves victors and win ag~in for Western Maryland those honors due her glorious name. The track team men are already hard at work preparing for the University of Pennsylvania's Annual Relay Carnival which will be held on Franklin Field the latter part of April. Under the competent management of Prof. Holten, we may well expect a team which will win a goodly number of the honors for Western Maryland. Tennis, representing lighter athletics, is by no means neglected at W. M. C. Our courts are continually filled with those who are lovers of the game. Many excellent players are being developed, who will in the near future make our College famous. A spirit of great athletic interest is manifesting itself at W. M. C. in the construction of a new gymnasium and the improvements being made on our athletic field. The gymnasium is now in course of construction and when completed promises to surpass any in the State The building will contain a basement and one floor whose dimensions are, on the interior, seventy-two feet long by forty feet broad. In the basement will be situated the boiler room, shower baths, lockers, steam drying room, storage room and two bowling alleys extending the full length of the building. The other floor will contain the gymnasium proper, and in addition the directors room and a running track with concave banked curves. The running track will, when not occupied by the team, serve as a gallery and will accom- modate comfortably five hundred people. The gymnasium will be connected with the ladies' departments by a closed over head passage way. The new building is placed on the north side of the present Y. M. C. A. and Power House with a common J47
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