Page 150 - YB1904
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Athletics at W. M. C. EVELOPMENT is the aim of all training, and a complete college training not only develops a man intellectually and morally, but physically as well. The truth of the statement that "a sound mind demands a sound body" is fully realized by all and the policy of the college and university of the present day is not to exercise the mind at the expense of the body, but to pay due attention to both. And especially is this policy in evidence at Western Maryland. The season of Nineteen Hundred and Three and Four has been an unusual one of athletic .achievement at W. M. C. Never has there been more interest shown in this department of college life than during the past year. The several teams of the different departments of sports have made records this year which not only have placed Western Maryland among the first of the Colleges of Maryland and Delaware in athletic attainment, but which shall ever stand as monuments to the teams which made them and to our College. Our football team was without doubt the best which was ever known at W. M. Under the excellent coaching of Dr. Milton Whitehurst, of Balt"imore assisted by Prof. C. A. Holten, the team attained a high degree of proficiency in both tactics and playing. Many of our most formidable rivals were made to bite the dust and beg mercy at the hands of our mighty and victorious team. l46
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