Page 147 - YB1904
P. 147
Md. In this contest Washington College won first place. G. H. Myers, of Western Maryland tied with St. John's for second place. Washington College had the honor of entertaining the orators in J902. This year we were repre- sented by G. 1. Humphreys carrying off first honors with a large margin. Washington College came second in this contest. The year J 903, witnessed Western Maryland's only defeat, Washington College for the second time winning first place, Maryland Agricultural College coming second. We were represented by Mr. R. R. Carman. This con- test was held at Westminster. Great as has Western Marvland's record been thus far, the year J904 witnessed her most brilliant triumph. The facts of this contest are fresh in our memories. When the paper announced that Western Maryland had again sent a "spell binder" to Annapolis, a wave of joy came over us. This easy victory was won by the matchless eloquence and peerless composition of Levin Irving Insley of the Class of J904. Though small of stature, this giant in intellect went forth and nobly, won laurels for dear old Western Maryland. This is a record unequaled by any college in a similar association. Western Maryland has won five medals out of six contests. This clearly proves her superiority in the field of oratory over all other colleges in the state. May we hope that our Alma Mater in the future, as she has done in the past, may win greater laurels in oratory and con- tinue to be placed, as is her due, among the foremost colleges of this state. J43
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