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wall between them. The boys entrance to the gymnasium will be through the Y. M. C. A. reading room. The partition between the reading room and the work shop will be removed. thus making one large room which will serve as the reading room. The old boiler room will be used as a storage for coal. Now let us turn to the improvements on the Athletic Field. This work was undertaken by the student body with the assurance from our President, Dr. Lewis, that the amount of money raised by the students for this purpose would be increased by an equal amount from the College. After an animated mass meeting on the subject, the boys immediately set themselves to work. A committee was appointed by the Athletic Association to take the work in charge. A subscription was taken up among the students from which a sum of nearly two hundred dollars was real- ized. Then a plea to the Alumni for aid was made and again we received about two hundred dollars. The College then added their contribution to the amount already raised and a sum of eight hundred was now at hand. This fund was sufficient to grade the field, and immediately the contract was made and the work begun. At this time, the work is progressing rapidly notwithstanding the bad weather the workmen are experiencing, and we fully expect to have the grading completed in time to allow the Alumni game of base ball to be played on the new field during Commencement week. The field when finished will have a grade of one foot to the hundred. A track, one-fifth of a mile in circumference will border the field with a straight away of one hundred yards on the north side. But we do not intend to let the good work stop at this point, although our present funds will then have been exhausted. In addition to the above named improvements, the Committee has in mind a board fence eight feet high surrounding the entire field, a Iine of bleachers extending the length of the field on the northern side, and a new grand stand built on the most modern style with dressing rooms and shower baths beneath. The amount necessary to complete these improvements is sixteen hundred dollars. Eight hundred dollars of this sum have already been raised. Why can't we raise the other eight hundred? We have made a special appeal to the Alumni of the College to assist us in this very necessary and glorious work, and we extend our most sincere thanks to those who have so kindly helped us. But we were very much dissappointed in the number of those who responded to our plea. From the five hundred and fifty Alumni we have received only two hundred dollars, and this J48
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