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Maryland Oratorical Association. J!; N the Fall of 1898 Prof. Rowland Watts of Western Maryland College, realizing the general deficiency of the college graduate in public speaking, and believing a contest for a prize in .oratory would stimulate greater activity in this direction, suggested to the faculty that steps be taken looking toward the formation of an oratorical association. The faculty, following out this suggestion, appointed a committee consisting Profs. Black and Watts to correspond with St. John's College and Maryland Agricultural College, requesting them to appoint similar committees. This was done. A constitution was then adopted governing the existence of the association. It was universally agreed that the orations should be absolutely original-the author affirming that he received no assistance outside of his own resources. As far as possible, absolutely impartial judges were to be chosen. Six of the most distinguished men are chosen each year. Three judge the composition and three the delivery. The judges on composition are required to submit their decisions sealed before the orations are delivered, thereby prevent- ing any decision being changed after the delivery of the orations. The best two orators receive gold medals as prizes for their work. The Association thus formed consisted of three officers: President, Vice-President and Secretary, the President being the representative from the college at which the contest is held. The other officers also rotate. Accordingly, in April, 1899, the first contest was held at Westminster, thus signifying that Western Maryland instigated the movement which culminated in the formation of the Association as above described. The winner in this contest was C. C. Douglas, of Western Maryland. Prof. Reese,Western Maryland's representative, was President of the Association. In the spring of 1900, the contest was held at St. John's College, the representative of that institu- tion presiding. H. H. Price was our representative in the contest and won the first prize, then in his Senior year This year Washington College applied for admission and was accepted. The next contest was held at College Park, 142
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