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to lose it on a trip to Paris the following summer. She got honorable mention twice. "Emmah" being vcry tall was put centre on the Basket Ball Team and played well, too. She determined to spend all spare moments cultivating her voice and, lot in a few months she had a position in the college choir and we ex- pect to hear of her making her debut in Sarah Bernhart's company soon. She is quite an accomplished youg lady, not only in the arts but in classics, Latin being her hobby, but by no means her only one. To bring herself in closer connection with French, she got a Prenchy "strike." One Christmas he sent her the devil (on a blotter); soon after that she gave him the same (in abstract form) and it seems now that "the course of true love never did run smooth." This don't affect Emma's slumbers though, for. she may be caught any evening snoozing; and ifher room-mate didn't begin calling her by five o'clock next mortl- ing she would be properly Mrs. Rip Van Winkle. But at the warning of" won't get anything to eat if you don't get up," she straightway proceeds to get up (6:59) and barely makes breakfast in time (7 o'clock). JOHN BOWEl\: EDWARDS, . Westminster, Md. \,.",.L. S.; Ex-Bel. Monthly, '02; Asst. Ed. Aloha, '03; Pres. Chess Club. '03. Although now a resident of Westminster, this distinguished son was born in West Virginia, and entered the class in its Sophomore year. It is a significant fact that the faculty of telling jokes is a rare gift. We mean, of course, not telling ordinary jokes in an ordinary way. "Jonathan" has such an original \\'ay that his class-mates never arc able to see through what he calls jokes. He is very kind- hearted, and always has a helping hand, especially when he sees his class-mates drowning in a whirlpool of examination questions??? He has always been one of the heaviest contributors to the College Monthly, and is ver-yfond of writing poetry. He is an artist of no little ability, as you can readily per- ceive when you see his drawings in the Aloha. He has remained strikeless during his sojourn among LIS and we know not why, unless we can find an explanation in the remark passed by his elocution teacher, "Mr. Edwards has so much expression, he is so much like a stone statue." He is the best chess player in 39 - -
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