Page 36 - YB1903
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tion, and brandish the Sword of Determination to Win, overcoming all difficulties that seem insurmount, able to any one else. We shall undertake to write a history of the individual members of the class, in- stead of writing a history of the class as a whole. In society, there is continually going 011 a change, there is growth, there is progress; and history is a record of human progress. Thus, upon the historian is devolved the pleasant duty of bringing into some historical form the history of the "Original Class" of 1903. From year to year, the history of the class has been written; but now the historian will attempt not only to narrate a short history of the individuals, but also of the whims and fancies of each as they appeared to the class. If you should be displeased at anything said, remember that probably it is pleas- ing some one else, and so rest content. Your historian has recorded everything in the most friendly manner, and trusts that none will take offense. With this as an introduction to the class history, let us now turn to the roll call: PANNYE MAY AYRES, . Parkton, Maryland. P. L. S.; Member of Basket Ball Team, of 1903, girls. Fannye May Ayres was horn in Baltimore county. Soon after entering as a Freshman in the school, she was known as the best natured girl in school. She got barrels and boxes of chicken, ham, pickles, oysters, olives, schweitzer, pretzels, preserves, cakes-what not , also, ten-pound boxes of the most de- licious, home-made candies about every two weeks; ergo,-she holds a court of the most sincere devotees every two weeks. At these courts, all business is transacted, the queen receives all homage clue,and- they then get something to eat. Having delicate appetites theyonlyget away with nine-tenths of Pannye's good things,-then, assuring her that she isjust the kindest girl, they adjourn again for two weeks. She has often set the Senior girls up when each of us was just positively howling from an aching void. Panuye's weakness was found to be her habit of holding listeners for hours while she discourses upon in, teresticg (?) subjects, the chief of whicb is what Prof. S. said to her at her last music lesson. However, one fact cancels all said above,-she is the star goal pitcher of all the girls who play basket ball at W. M. C. Pannye "claws the ivories" agonizingly, also plays the violin. She used to adore English (?!!) in her Sophomore year, but once the teacher asked her ,vhatdinitra_diphenylphthalide_trismide_para_lencanaline - - 34 - -
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