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an enviable record at W. M. C. He was Irving's Winning Orator, which is a position sought by all am- bitions students; was also Aftci-nn..te Tntercollcgiatc Orator when only a Junior. He is a hard student, but has a fashion of ;,houcying" the teachers to get better marks (? ?). He has had a number of strikes, but was never known to keep but "one" of them longer than six months; and only then because he was satisfied with" third place" in her estimation. He is very popular, as shown by the class electing him President. The Senior boys, think they can spend 110 more pleaseut evening than when listening to him play and sing his negro songs. He is also fond of playing (with) the Palms. He is in his glory when tak- ing cross country t-uns, followed by farmers yelling, "stop, egg thief!" The greatest honor that the col- lege can give, that of representing it at that Intercollegiate Contest, he also received. JESSIE LEE COCHHAN, Baltimore, Md. B. .L. S.; Pres. B. L. S., '03; Local Editor of Monthly, '02; B. L. S. Contestant, '02; Member of Basket Ball Team, '03, Girls. From that place, long famous 1'01' its good-looking girls, came Jessie Lee Cochran, Just a pretty little girl of fourteen, when she came from Baltimore. "Jess," after fiveyears ofstrenuous living, has become a channing young belle. She entered the Senior class ofthe Prep. school,-that's the year she had so much fun, though apparently the amount has not decreased perceptibly since then. for she finds occasion for hilar-ity vcry readily. Jess exhibited a remarkable propensity to mimic anything and anybody, and on many an occasion when there was absolutely "nothing doing," she has very opportunely stepped I.1pand played monkey for the crowd. She discovered in her Sophomore year that she had some voice for w ar- bling, so she straightway began te-e-ro-o-c-o-o-ing on music hall in an agonizing way . jess now trills beautifully and is indispensable in the college choir. Pitch generally sticks faster than tar, but TaIT has been prO\'("11to stick so fast that it(he) got sttrjcck off herlist, and nowjess reeds Addison for commenda- tion on her acts. jessjoined the trio of Connoisseurs, and while as yet only an amateur and an adept at listening to Fishy and Idelolly discourse largely on various master pieces, she promised to become quite renowned. Shewas found to be a good player of basket ball, so was put front on basket ball team of 37
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