Page 37 - YB1903
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(" Search me!") meant. She collapsed, turned black in the face and felloff the bench. The next;day she straightway announced her intention of taking the Rcicntific course-so as to lind out by experiment what it meant. Then, too, she was always fond of dead cats, H. 0, etc. She has since become famous as a scientist. . pocomoke City. Md. IRMA SCOTT BEVANS, P. L.S. Down in Worcester county, in Pocomoke, was born, twenty years ago, Lrrna Scott Bevans. They must have g00d schools there, for Irma's knowledge was something stunning when she joined us in our Sophomore year. Irma soon showed the people in this university that she would not pander to the base rabble, the ignoble herd, by acting like they did at the table, so she has never broken one of her original rules 01" etiquette-even if she did lose her supper by not diving for the strap call. She has never had a strike-tha.t is, she almost got one once, but he wouldn't compose as muchpoetry to her as sbe could wish for. Then, too, Irma has always been quite studious and strikes take np so much of one's t.ime, so she quietly let him go; and his mind was far away on his one aspiration. Consequently, there was no blood shed all either side. She got honors at commencement that year. She began to learn how to" pick" the piano, and recently has undertaken to cultivate her voice, which, by the way, when she talks is low and gentle. She has never attained very much fame as a pianist, but it will bejust too dear anc1cosy for her to sing and play her own accompaniments in the twilight of some days in the future. FERNA1"D BONNOT'T'E, Westminster, Md. 1. L. S.; Asst. Eel. Aloha, '03; Member Track Team, '02, '03; Member Orchestra; Lit. Eel. Monthly, '03; Pres. 1. L. S., '03. The first to head the roll of the noble sons of 1903 is Penland Bonnette. who hails from Westminster, although born in Baltimore. His parents are the modern language teachers, and, when they came to \Y. - - 35 -
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