Page 31 - YB1903
P. 31
U Greeting." ~ ~ I Twould not seem altogether fitting to speak of the brilliancy of the sparkling waters without giving a few words of description and explanation V'le may say then that the preceding of the fountain. section of our Aloha has been devoted to the history and affairs of the fountain, the college; but now we wish to introduce our readers into the section of our book, exclusively devoted to the sparkling waters, the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Three, an issue from the never failing fountain. It seemed best to give a sketch of the college and college affairs as a whole, since we truly realize that it is the source of our present worth, and that it is to our Alma Mater that we attribute the fact that we are able at all to speak to the world as a class. The following section of the book, clevoted to the history, characteristics, and deeds of our class, is indeed the sole purpose far which we strove to leave this book to our friends, our college, and to OUf fellow students, as a token of remembrance of the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Three. Should this book contain a complete history of our college, together with a complete history of its different organizations, and not contain this section of the book about which all else centres, we would consider our work a failure. We trust that our readers will do usjusticc and will not forget that this is only an accoun t of 1:1 class in college, whcretheopportunities forgreater accomplish, mencs are uecessurilv limited; but if, perchance, we seem to have advanced beyond the limit and to have accomplished those things which lay beyond all human expectations, it will be remembered that the suc- cess was due to those nun-ked abilities, unrelaxing ambitions, and lofty conceptions which characterize the class of 1903. We welcome you into the pages of the following section of the book devoted to out" own class affairs, and hope that the reading of their contents maybe to you a source ofmuch pleasure, and may serve you as an ever-living memoir of the class which wishes ever to hold you among its clearest friends. 30 -
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