Page 228 - YB1903
P. 228
Mn. OA\'[8.-'ยท Billy, how did you know that the Senior boys went down town last evening and Aided wi th some town girls?" ,\'[[85 T-Y (triul11phantly).-" Nettie said that Roger had a date with her and didn't' keep it, and you and Roger were down town wi th the other Seniors, and Ethel said that she heard that Eva said that her rathel' heard some town people say that they saw the Senior boys down town having a good time one day last week, and so I know that you have not been true to me, but ah, Dick, did you hear that Mabel and Hubert had broken off? And 1 know all about it. \Vhat he said to her and what she answered, and that she never had cared for him at all, and-" DICK.-"Oh, pshaw, Billy, r know about it, the boys told me," ;'\'1185 TIIE[)WAY.-"Oh, but yo u ought to have seen Mabel at breakfast one morning last week, that was the last letter she had 1'1'0111 him, and I know he 'sat all' her, 'cause she put the letter clown with- out reading it twice, and then looked across the dining-room and smiled at Higgins ; therefore, they arc on the outs, and Ifiggins is rcshin' her." MISS l'vIILI.EU.-"Do you know that Ethel Trout and Scott Hurley have it all each other as bad as Vir- ginia Gilbert and Lawrence Chaffinch did?" MR. SIM ('SON.-" That's all right, let us-ah-try to rival the whole clique of them." 1\,118S ivIILLEH.-" Wel1, I'm in for it, if you are. I knew something was doing in the region of your heart, but we girls always wait for you to speak first." r have listened to all this without moving, but now changing 111y place, I hear the following: M_R. NOU\'EAU.-" Had-dew. may 1 speak to yen?" Mrss NOUVELLE (Hushing crirnsou l.c-v'Ycc-e.s.' IIE.-" What society deu yen belong tell? Where den yeu live? I'm from the Eastern Shore," SHE.-" Oh, why, r a111 a Philornathean, and 1 live in the garden spot of the world, teu ; we raise corn 011 out" farm." HE.-" Why didn't you join the Browning Society, for 1 am an Irving." SIIE.-" If-why-I don't know." (A pause-a painful silence; perspiration rolls off his forehead, and she twists her hands like St. Virus: finally, triumphantly, and heaving a sigh at' relicf)-" All! what class are you ill? Freshman, did yon say? I'm a Prep." 218
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