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THE WESTMINSTER C. LOUIS BROCK, DEALER IN HARRY E. CROUT, MeR. Hotel furniture '" Paney, Forreign and Domestic Psuits, Gakes ~§Vegetables Free 'Bus to and from all trains. and fixtures entirely new. Ladies' and Also FISH and OYSTERS Gent's bath and toilets on all floors. ~ WESTMINSTER, MD, Hydraulic passenger and freight elevators. Fire escapes. The College Barber Heated by Hot Water. Gas and Electric Lights. For Reference apply to old Students rree steures Auecaec. Always Ready for Work ~WESTMINSTER, MD. .\'eXl to Grl1mbinc's Store D. P. WARFIELD JOS. A. WAESCHE Eow. S. SHRIVER WAESCHE & SHRIVER Stationers and Printers t, Tile College WashieMan" A 34 West Main St., WESTMINSTER, MD. HfI.~ ll~d college trade for years and k nows bow ro keep ycu cleuu. CalL~ at college lwice a wel':k Subscriptions taken for Dally, Weekly and Monthly Papers and ror students' work; help hhu .. Mag;)zines. hays . . - 221
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