Page 233 - YB1903
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ViSit Tile Miller Bros. Co. Delmrtment Stores WESTMINSTER, MD. J. GRATTAN DOYLE JOHN D. BOWERS FLORIST Fancy and Staple Groceries Whitmore's Confections Cut Flowers, Roses, Carnations and Violets always on hand Soda Water, 40 different flavors ___ G_R_E_EN_S_T_.,_W_E_ST_M_'N_S_TE_R_,'_'D_. Fanc y Cakes and Crackers O!:FICE HOURS: 8 '''9 A.III. SMITH & RUfSNYO[R Lumber, Coal and Slate DR. CHAS. R. FO UTZ Physician and Surgeon Sash Doors, Blinds and General Mill Work Eye, Nose and Throat-Specialties [48 West Main St., Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER MD . • . 223
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