Page 224 - YB1903
P. 224
little Nell. He bought her and was going hunting, so he borrowed a gun that an Indian had brought along with him and started out. He did not have anything to drink, so he stopped at a bar to fin up, You know the only thing they drink there is fermented hot lead. He got his bottle and took a drink of it before leaving the saloon. He was full of claret at the time, and, instead of the two mixing quietly, they formed an explosive mixture and he was blown to pieces." The skeleton came nearer and placed his hand on my arm. "And don't you know, .Jerry," he said, ,; they did not even bury the poor man, but instead the bartender cussed and swore because he exploded inside the saloon," Then the skeleton gave a violent jerk on the arm, and- 1 turned over to find the porter standing by my berth, and heard a fellow-passenger say: "{f that in- Icrnal maniac in lower five does not stop his moaning and go to sleep, so that others can do the same, 1 will inject a couple of 42 calibre lead pins into his carcass that will relieve him of his troubles." - 214,
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