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P. 90
lOA CORSEI.It'S l[A!.I., . Centerville, Md. "P()<)rJ>mtd~r.l,n"·ll,o" wlk .. ,!'" -Sllllk~'re""", Much given to meditating on the joys and sorrows of love. lias record of the worst case and writing the long-est nnd "loveliest" letters of all in the class. Mucll gi"ell to ., girlrly ,. talk. She is sincere in love and true to her Frieuds. HngerstowlI.1\Id . . L,,,"e '00 pn,dous '0 t,.,lo"t. A, littl~ gl"l,in.hltll not be loot.'" -TM"Y""'· Her body remains in W. 1\1. C., but the National Capital holds her heart. Edlin call answer all questions nbout the care of the teeth ami furnish dental supplies on short notice. Though she makes cutting speeches sometimes she does 110t mean them to be so. She is \'ery kind-hearted and always willing to help whenever she can. She is the only girl in the class who lakes the Scientific course: perhaps she will find the knowledge thus acquired \0 be of gre ...t use to her in future life (see prophecy). She is said to I"", the most inquisitive girl in the elass-c-nt least that'S what me girl~at her end of the table say. She alwnys manages 10 find out pretty ne;;tdy all thnt goes on at any rate. Likes Dutch and college spreads. Westminster, Md. '"I C"'"for n<>h('dy,no n()tI, Ifn()onecllrt:.r"r",e: Rue, as she is commonly catted, is our- only tOWIi girl. She hooks more recitatlcus than any girl in the clnss and doesn't. care a picayune if she does. Ln Rue has nu excellent voice und holds us all ~pell-holl!ld WhCll she etoaues, She is "ery i"depecHllent 11"'\ coustirutionally opposed LO study. She hUles Ethics, abominates Geology. and detests all the rest of the studies elCceptl~loclllion. Hns n n:ry sweet and cheerful disposition, which makes her n great favorite among both boys and girls. 82
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