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ETHOI. EnE:, • ... , ,Toddville, lIld. ".l.1tthc."nh,,,,d thc"irwitlllhyv"I<"'i.l(>ull"-SIl.II~)", A mall of lllaguificelll proportions. chesty nnd boisterous ill uianuer, with a voice strongly suggestive of a bull.frog in R bess- drum. Known f:tr:lIId wide as "QueenYic," ou accouut of the marked resemblance of hi~ profile to ucn of the late lnmeuted Queen of Great Britain. A Inighty orator I>cfore the Lord. Has ever hiscomsunnda large and varied vocabularyof Webster's at choice verbal monstrosities, and as n result all his [luulic deliver- ences are unexcelled iu majesty Rud unintelligibility, HJ';N"I!.V \\'I!.$ON g.n-r.suus v, , Dentou, l\[d, "I hltilt my 8(>ltl"lordly [lb,.lt"e ho".~ Wher.i" ," ~n.., lor nyc 10dwdl."-l'.l1fiJ,.on, m~~:z:;:i~~ll:t~lr~:;i~~~tt~~II~~~~~~Ch~:I~::~~:~~~:~;~~~~i;~:t: that he would like college life real well if it were not for recltn- lious. Like his confederate, Ilull, he is Rn Egoistic Hedonist, wnd it is but .'usl to say that he lives up to his creed, 1[I' h by the way, an original thinker in tl,,: r""l'" of Il/UTlllwissf'IISdll1jl, and his friends confidently expect that when hill nteutnl powers arrive alfull mauu-ity he ",iii materially !lid in the de,'clopmelll of et.hi- ClIllhought along the lines laid clown by Mill. ,\ll great men have their glaring defects. Sud to relate, this ethereal mind is aiveu to prevarication, nnd some small souls have hee1l cruel enough 10 catt him" The Moderu l\[ullchauSI:Il." 78
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