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HELEN ALHJ.!RTA l'tiUf.T.TNIX, Frederick. Md. "With mirth find laughterletold wnnkli!ll~o",<."-Sh"ke.,,"n,.... Hails from Frederick, the city of greatest historical interest j" the United States, she says. Has had some experience in love affairs. Is a great giggler, and suffers much from woolly hair, not- withstanding her heroic efforts to overcome this amtcuon. Very fond of children, as she proved to lISin her Senior year. Her nick- name" Ham" origiunted ;11 the fact that she is supposed to have descended in direct line from the second son of Noah. She is very fond of art for which she has much talent. Her good taste in dress is well proved by the fact that whene"er any girl is considering tile important question of a new dress Helen's opinion is usually desired. She is one of the best dres..<;e(lgids ill school, lind her dainty collars ha....e become famous. Much of her time is occupied ill changing these, as she never wears one over two hours at " rime. il[ARC£I,I.A GRACE TRAeF.V, . . Texas, !\td. .. LIUtI wi!\ w~'u my h~lIrl upon my .1<",,·~ Fe, Iris was never known to be melnucuoly except when she had an engagemeut for the tuemre with two boys for the same nig'hl. Iler cheerful disposition and tendency to look Oilthe brigtu side IIIllkt'5 her quite a favorite, for sunshine is always welcome, 84
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