Page 95 - YB1902
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1902'S farewell. :\L\IE1\CE:\IEXT has come again. and in few short hours we must sa,'" good-by=perhaps forever. The gentle hum-drum of parting adieus falls sweetly on the ear of him who is to return. Relieved of his scholastic cares, he goes to COOle again, and thus to him is parting robbed of its bitter sting. Xot :;0, however, with the graduate-elect. Long before the dawn of commencement clay the Senior sorrows deep down in his heart that he is to be a Senior no more. Recollections of college life, of classmates held sacredly dear. and of ties that bind more tightly with age. recur but to haunt him in his grief. Indifferenceis no more a jewel. From matriculation to graduation the transition is rapid, and Senior dignity in realitv becomes Senior seriousness. But whv this calmness and heart-felt solem"nit:.,? lt is caused by the Imaginative ~whisper of a final adieu. As, sociations, tenderly made, so soon to be surrendered! Friendships, formed by the natural law of separation, SOonto be forgotten! Can it be? Heed- illg the united voice of her members, the Class of 1902 is impelled to speak in response and to leave behind assurances of eternal interest in the affairs of our Alma Mater. To you Western xl aryland College-the center of rare learning-we say good-by" Your roofs 110 longer will shelter us as students, yOI1l" campus will be trodden no more by our roaming feet, but your spiral beauty and classic halls will live forever in our ruemorv. To YOU- teach~rs most revered-ewe say God-speed. Your instructi~l1 will ~oI11e. times be reflected in the deeds wrought by this, your ;, Last Class," and may your noble work continue when 1902 lives only on a pendant shield. Friends and schoolmates, what can we say to you? Can words express our convictions or actions betrav our emotions? Not so, For four veers we ha ve labored together, burdened by the same disappointment; and cheered by the same good fortunes. Glance with us into the fu ture. In a short time you, likewise, will go. Picture yourselves breaking the alliances and companionships of school-elm"life nnd YOnwill understand our inex- pressible devotion. when fa 1" removed from-you our sympathies shall fol- low _VOllrreverses. and we shall triumph with you in j-our success. The end has come! The hour of depar-ture is at hand! The door open!';and we 111<1I"<:hout upon an unknown future. Whither it leads or when, if ever. it will return is known to him alone, who, hearkening to the hopes of a meagrc possibility, finds comfort in an early reunion. 1\1a)"peace and prosperity attend you. To one and all-Farewell. . 87 ..
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