Page 94 - YB1902
P. 94
Class Ode. 'rus a->' St'll Bolt." As classmates we've passed through OUt' fleeting school days, Their sorrows and joys we have known; \Ve'\'Cdrunk pleasure sweet from the fountain of youth. The seeds of QUI" life are now sown. Tna friendship strong we aloe bound fast and firm j Our acquaintance, though short, has proved true, And mcm'ries of college days e'er will recall. Itirat, the faces of nineteen and two. But now we must bid each a lingering farewell; For friends, e'en the closest, must part. We here leave behind us the scenes of OUI" youth, And enter lire's voyaging bark. On thy bosom. fond Alma xtater so dear, We would linger forever at rest; But a hand beckons on from our future's dim shores, And we follow its silent behest. For youth is a port, from which all must embark To battle with life's stormy sea; But the tempests we meet we mar ride sa rely through If we've Wisdom to pilot the WHy_ Dear Foster Mother, may thy precepts then be On our chart, as we stand at the helm, To guide firmly on past the wave-beaten strand To a harbor of safety and calm. so
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