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", Madame Bonnotte ' now comes to view, And fills the girls with boundless glee; But, gentle be careful here- For she's the of Doctor B " , Madam Moore' is our only deer, She's dear and gentle as can be; How could I call her aught besides r-> She's been so good and kind to me " , Stevie' is the cutest bantam, As prim and tidy as you please; Art is e'er her constant study- She sketches landscapes, men, and trees. "There saunters' Belle,' the proud peahen, As stiff and sharp as any knife; So far as we can read the signs, She's well cut out for Roger's wife. "Here's' Queen Lit." Lilliputian gnat, '\,Ve teachers,' Library police; She's ever busy chasing smiles-c. When wdl her both'ring buzzing cease? "List to '~'riss Schott," the Her gentle voice sounds And she's as clever as can be- Why just to know her is a treat. "And 'when Marion's name is told' We think of luscious Huyler's candy; She has the meekness of a lamb- In all her work she's always Handy. " Now we must close our exhibition, \Ve hope you've all the show; If you lind the least Upon our head all censure throw. "Perchance we ne'er may see again In heaven, or earth, or hell. This rare and far-famed Faculty-c. 'Fond menagerie, farewell!" -I- ,60 -r-.
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