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H Cbaracteristte Conversation. T was the evening before examinations and the Senior girls had aath- ered in one room to prepare Political Science. From all appear- ances the evening was to be devoted entirely to study. The Consti- tution of OUf fair land lay open before them, and Dr. Ward had said, "to interpret each phrase." The seven o'clock bell had rung, inspection had been made, so work began. E- A-NS. power shall be vested-" F-\V-LL. that word reminds me of Revelle's vest he had on to-day, It was a green one with yellow stripes. I just dar/;' Chern to wear one like it." H- H-ER. "Oh! hush up, Fan. you have no more control over Chern than over the wind. but let's proceed." C- S-EIL " Before we go on, suppose we see how many Democrats and how many Republicans are here, Republicans, hold up your hands," (The hands are held up,) "\Vhy, Tam, you aren't a Republican; indeed, I don't believe you know what you are," C- G-LL. "I do so, but to avoid further disturbance, I will leave the room." (Exit Tam.) £- A-NS, "Of course, some one had to get mad, and before we for- get it, let's get the Amendments straight," N- C-ETT, "Talking of amendments, reminds me of what Falstaff said, 'Amend your face," C- S-ER. "Oil! for goodness sake, don't talk about English, but I guess I'm all right, for Devilbiss has promised to write my essay for me, H- H-ER, "That's not right; there's no logic in that, How much good my logic did me! I know all about arguing, I was the best one in the class and only got 9,5; but I don't care, I don't work for marks, don't like them, and wouldn't have them if 1 could get them," C- "{-y. "Never mind, Divine, you have always said that if you don't get good marks you will be a success in the world." M- H-IS. d If you girls don't come on and study I will tell Miss Katie on you I believe in telling her everything I know, so beware!"
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