Page 182 - YB1901
P. 182
1:"e Senior's Flallowe'en. ,.,.,. At \\1. i\'r. C. it was, in" Paradise" there, And we looked like queens robed in white that night, A looking-glass each in our hands so fair, And a candle's tapering light. Of all the nights in our college year, The best, to our minds, is this Hallow-even- And e'er in our hearts will its memories so dear The sweetest place be given. The moon on the tower slept soft as snow, And who was not thrilled in the strangest way, As we thought of the fate we'd soon foreknow Ere the first faint break of day? Well, there in garments of white we stood Together, the Seniors of 1901; Our was fixed on the tower imbued, our hearts beat fast with fun. So all were silent, but none were sad, Like queens we leaned on our full white arms, Secure of our fortune we could but be glad, So confident of our charms. I have no doubt, at that mystical hour, We were thinking then, as we held our glass, Of our former loves, though we /wped in the tower For a Mar-quis of Carabas. And r swear, as we thought of them thus in thathour, And of how, after all, old things were best, Our fickle hearts told us (Ah! moon on the tower)! To give up this foolish quest.
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