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\rollege IDictionar~. .. .. .. ALOHA, ". A book issued annually by the graduating Class of Western Maryland College, containing philo- sophical, scientific, and religious in- Iornraticn. CVNIOSOGRAPHV, n, Derivation AI'OLOG'>',11. That which the pres- and 'meaning" entirely unkuown. ident of the college demands of a Probably something immaterial student who has cornered him in which must (.11 Senior ora- asking far his rights. tions. A Consult ASTRONOMY, It. !. A study of the George Stockton Wills on personal . heavens. equations . 2. A study which noue are wanted D[('-\N,II. One who never laughs, to take, yet all are compelled to take. talks, or even winks his eye. BLUFF, v. t, To (ieceive; to fool; A to work professors, c. g., "Doc ' twice DESSERT, n, to students mixture after served a week dinner isn't easy to bluff. when vegetables are high. BI.UFF, 1/.. A successful attempt at making a ten, e, g., that bluff Dl':SERT, n, A contracted fona of worked. dessert, i. c., nothing. A waste BRUTE, II. An organism bordering DOUCH,'" I. That which is served on the line betweeuanimal aud vege- to students the Faculty as food, table kingdom. More commonly -i. e., watm known as " prep." 2. That which is served to students CARAMEL, 'II. [Latin cams, dear, by parell(S,as money, i.e., hot stuff. and mel, honey.] A preparationused ECCLESIA, 11. [Greek "'KA'7,bt.] by college girls to increase smiling. An a""-'lemhly peculiar to the Class of CHI)RCf[and CHI\I'HL. ill/cli. Com- 19oo, in which all matters, relif:,';ollS, position and meaniug unknown. educational, political, audsociul, are U5ed on Monday mornings only. discussed. Correlated to both or neither. FR1,SH"IIHl\" II One who doesn't -i- 154 .[-
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