Page 174 - YB1900
P. 174
SARTIE:\Vell,I wouldn't have apologized. CHING: Ob, I had to or I'd have been shut up in his office yet. Confound, come on to this Latin. BUFF: Say, I found cyniosography to-day. ALL: Oh, get out." BUFF: That's right. Sticking out of my Ethics. BRAD:Yes, and I'm going to put it in my oration next term and watch the ten drop. BUSH: I'd like to know how you spell that word! DUTCH:Oh, you have to figure out the personal equation to get that. FOR: Well, I think the personal equation is the long marks over the letters in Anglo. CHING: No; I think it is the foot notes; because 1 got one of the foot notes wrong once and the personal equation's owner told me it showed greater knowledge than if I had got it right. TEL: No; you'll never learn how to spell cyniosography by the personal equation; you must understand the" law of the language" and the" characteristic imperfections." BANT:They're going to build a new postoffiee down town. JERS: Oh, what are you selling? Take in your sign. Gentlemen, if anyone shows me an Anglo book after I leave here and there's a base ball bat handy I'm going to use it. SILV: Oh, hec, get to this Latin, r have to read to-day. Qui equo cred -? BRAD:Jers, if is is was, was is is isn't it? JEllS: But is is not was. BRAD:what is was was-? DUTCH:Say, fellows, Lilian Russell is going to be in Bal- timore next week I heard. SARTIE:Oh, I saw her in Pocomoke once. She and her whole company were there. -1ยท150,,-
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