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P. 175
ALL: Wha-at! SAIlTIE:That's right, you don't need to look. Why we paid her a hundred dollars. BRAD:Oh, pshaw; you don't mean it! Not a whole hun- dred surely! CHING:Don't let 'em guy you, Sar-tie. SARTIE:Did Dutch put you up to say that, Ching? SEVERAL:Oh, come down out of the basket! BUFF: Say, par, what are the Boers doing in South Africa. FOR: The British are retreating. BUSH: Well,does that answer the question? FOR: Certainly. BUSH: How? FOR: Well, if the Boers follow the British the Britsh must retreat, hence when the British retreat the Boers must fol. low them. CHING:Suppose both the British and the Boers retreat? FOR: Oh, well, that's a special ease and I don't see that it has any bearing on the question. BUSH: Oh, come clown, For! CHING:Well,I'm going to translate Latin. This is hard as thunder; here we've been working for an hour and only have out two lines. Qui equo credit, he who trusts the horse-. TEf.: Wbap! BRAD:Snag. STRAP:Did you hear the latest regulation of the Faculty, that if a man answers" Not prepared" he is to be marked absent on the ground that he is present in body, but absent in mind. TURP: Well, then, if a man stays in his room and thinks about the recitation he ought to be marked present. DUTCH:Well, I've an idea. If a man don't know his -+ 151 ol_
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