Page 181 - YB1900
P. 181
~be :l!3oo~of (tbrollicles. "" "" .. CHAl''rER I. 1. Now 011 the sixth day ofthe ninth month of the second year of the reign of Andrew Johnson, there assembled, in Westminster, in Carroll county, which is one of the eastern provinces, a great multitude to witness the laying of the corner-stone of a great temple. 2. The means for the completion of the building being scanty, behold a decree was sent forth, "that ",h080C\'c1're- maineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with gold, with silver, with precious stones, and with frankincense for the building of the temple." 3. Now in the seventh month of the second year of the first reign of Grover Cleveland, Rabbi Lewis "was anointed high priest. 4. And when for the second time the people had gathered themselves together at the temple, behold the annointeci priest arose and read with a loud voice, the laws which he had made. 5. "Behold I make this decree: That whosoever shall alter my words or break these laws which I have read to you this day, let timbers be pulled down from his house, and being set np, let him be hanged thereon, and let his house be made a nest for ravens for this." 6. Now under the rule of this high priest the ·congrega- tion of the temple grew, un ti l there were assembled each morning, to hear the reading of the law and prophets, two hundred, fifty and three. -1- 157 +.
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