Page 183 - YB1900
P. 183
8. Now, in the course of time, one who had waxed strong in mind thought to extend his wisdom beyond this world and become acquainted with stars, Sun and moon, which have their abode in the firmament. 9. It came to pass that when the Rabbi, who understood these things, was told of the purpose and desire of this dis. ciple, that he was wroth and would not hear the words which the disciple had come to speak to him. 10. Now, when these things had come to the ears of the High Priest, he commanded that the disciple be brought into his presence, and it Wf.ISso. 11. It came to pass that when the disciple had come into the court of the High Priest, that he had also waxed wroth and spoke to the High Priest in such a way that he offended him. 12. Then, standing up, the High Priest said: "Be it known to you, 0 Rabbis and disciples,that I this day Swear before you that this man shall be left in this room without sleep, without meat, and without drink, until he has con- fessed to me that he has done wrong;" and all the Rabbis answered: "Well done, 0 mighty Priest." 13. Not long after a sound was heard to come from the room in which the disciple had been placed; the High Priest came, and, because of fear, the disciple SHiel; "My lord, r confess;" and his lord answered: -w-u done." 14. And after this the High Priest called a council of the Rabbis and saicl: "It seemeth right to punish those who are in company with this disciple who has so sorely offended11S. 15. "So, as a punishment to him and all the generations which are to follow, let us send forth the decr-eetha:t, all shall know well the wisdom which be sought;" and it END. -i- 159 _,_
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