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the banquet board loaded down with the delicacies of the season put everyone in the finest of humors. It is entirely unnecessary to say that this part of the programme was thoroughly enjoyed, has been said by some one, "It is almost impossible for even the bitterest enemies to quarrel over a good meal." Afterthe last course, Mr. Cobey, the presidentof'Ol, began the speecbmaking by his response tothe toast, "The Class of '01," and finishedhis remarks by proposing the toast, "The Class of '00," to be responded to by Mr. Harker, the presi- dent of '00. Mr. Harker made a very neat little response, in which he expressed the good feelingwhich had always ex- isted between the two classes, and which had culminated in this banquet. Mr. Harker was followed by Dr. Lewis, who made a very bright and appropriate speech,in which he ex- pressed his gratification at the revival of the old custom of Junior banquets and congratulated the Class of '01 upon the part they had played in this revival. Dr. Lewis closed the speech making, and after he had finished we once more proceeded to the parlor where, after enjoying a few more minutes in conversation and having a general good time, we bade our hosts a regretful good night and brought to a close one of the pleasantest evenings eyer spent while at W. IV!.C., and an evening which every mem- ber of '01 can look back upon with a feelingof honest pride. HOWl Westminster. --i- 147 -1-
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