Page 170 - YB1900
P. 170
RIDAY,May 4,1900, will always remain green in the F memory of every member of the classes of '00 and '01 as a date which marks one of the pleasantest and most enjoyable evenings ever spent by its members while at W. M. C. On that evening '01 revived the old custom of giving the Seniorsa banquet, a custom almost obsolete owing to differences between the classes for the past few years which could not be bridged over. But the degree in which this ban- quet surpassed any other yet given in the history of the college almost makes up for the long break in the custom. To say it was a success is putting it entirely too mildly, and our pen cannot describe half of the feelings of pleasure and' good feeling that it was instrumental in bringing about. At the appointed hour '00 repaired to the hotel West. minster, where they were received by the receiving party of '01. After spending some time in jolly converse in the beau, tiful parlors of the Westminster, headed by Dr. Lewis and Miss Reese, the prophetess of '01 and the hostess of the evening, we proceeded to the dining-room where the sight of _146_
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