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somely ornamented Banquet Hall, all of which are 011 the first Aoor, there is on the second and third stories a superb auditorium with a seating capacity of about one thousand four hundred, and the whole interior finished with beautifully designed plaster of paris decorations. The great need of this building bas been felt for a long time. The constantly growing popularity of the school and the increasing number in attendance at each succeeding commencement, have taxed the ingenuity of the Faculty to so distribute the seats as to give the greatest INTERIOR OF GYMNASIUM. satisfaction and secure the best results. The new Alumni Hall, which is to be dedicated in June of the present year, r899, will relieve the Faculty of this anxiety, as in the future all who may desire to witness the closing exercises can get good and comfortable seats. Also the Senior Class of '99 are to be congratu- lated as being the first to deliver their essays and orations and to receive their diplomas under the pleasing surroundings of this beautiful room. The Alumni Hall marks another milestone in the progress of Western Maryland College. 31
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