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such changes or improvements in the management of the Institution as may seem desirable, and also to report to their Conferences in the case of any students placed in the Institution by them. There are two courses of study: I. The Degree Course. No one will be admitted to this course except those who are graduates of some college. The time required will be two years, and upon the passing of a satisfactory examination and the presentation of an approved Thesis, the degree of B. D., will be conferred. 2. The Graduate Course. Students will be admitted to this course either by Certificate showing that they are entitled to enter the Sophomore Class of College, or after a satisfactory examination in 1. The English Bible. The examination will be of a general character to' determine the familiarity of the applicant with the literary and theological out- lines of the Word of God. No candidate will be passed who fails to prove that he has been a diligent and intelligent student of the Holy Scriptures. 2. The English Grammar, The applicant may select his own text-book, but he will be required to pass a thorough examination in the science of both words and sentences. He will be expected to know the parts of speech and how to analyze a sentence. 3· English Composition and Rhetoric. This examination will be elementary. It will be sufficient to know how to write a short essay or story, correct in orthog- raphy and syntax, know something of style and figures of speech. 4· Geography, Arithmetic and United States History. While the student may select his own text-book, he will be requir-ed to show that he is a master of the studies used in the higher classes of the public schools. Certificate of Church Membership in some Evangelical Church will also be required. The Course of Study embraces three years, at the expiration of which time a successful examination will be rewarded with a Certificate of Graduation, signed by the President of the Board of Governors and by the Faculty. RHETORICALS. Once a week the students of all classes meet in the Chapel for Drill in Hymn and Scripture Reading, Extemporaneous Debate, Delivery of Addresses and Ser- mons, Criticisms by Students and Faculty. 35
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