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ing that twenty-six additional free scholarships be given to students to be educated in this institution. Likewise in 1898 a very handsome arch of marble and limestone was built between the president's house and the residence of Prof. Simpson. This beautiful structure which spans the main drive as you enter the campus is a monument to the memory of the first president, Dr. Ward, and it is a gift of his niece, Mrs. Hurley, of Washington city. For several years past a fund has been steadily increasing, and all the while we could almost fancy we heard the sound of the workman's hammer as he GYMNASIUM. shaped the stones for their place in the building to which the eye of faith has been looking with anxious expectation-the longed for, the dreamed of, but now the most handsomely finished Alumni Hall. Yes, it has appeared in all its stately magnificence, a thing of beauty and a joy to every friend of Western Maryland College. This glorious realization, by far the handsomest addition to College Hill, occupies a very conspicuous site on the premises, the corner of College Avenue and Main Street. Besides Society Halls, Committee Rooms and a hanc1- 30
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