Page 33 - YB1899
P. 33
In 1886 Ward Hall was enlarged, in 1887 Smith Hall was added, in 1888 the main front was greatly improved, the same year steam heating apparatus was introduced through the entire College, and in 1889 a steam laundry was put in and four acres of ground were added to the premises. All these improvements which had been badly needed for many years, and which followed each other in extraordinarily rapid succession, greatly increased the comfort, convenience and efficiency of the College and proved the wisdom of the trustees in placing Dr. WARD MEMORIAL. Lewis at the helm. To accomplish so much, in so short a time, under such unfavorable surroundings, seemed to be almost a miracle. Through the generosity of the Baker brothers, of Buckeystown, a very hand- some residence for the president was erected on the campus in 1889. The same year was signalized by a most timely gift from Miss Anna R. Yingling, a member of the first class .graduated from the College. She presented to her Alma Mater 27
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