Page 35 - YB1899
P. 35
Thus it appears that while the original, the central plant, stood for some time with uncertain life, yet within the last few years, it has displayed evident signs of extraordinary vitality in growing into symmetrical beauty by adding in succession Owings' Hall, Smith Hall, Hering Hall and Ward Hall, and acquiring a frontage of 273 feet with the main entrance greatly improved by a tower and by a portico running the entire length. "September, 1896, saw the commencement of another building on the PHOF. McDANIEL'S HESIDENCE. campus, which not long after its completion proved its raison d'ctrc ; for here the Professor of Mathematics, weary of a long bachelorhood, set up his lares ct penates, and first began to learn that life is really worth the living." A striking proof of the progress the College has made during the past decade, and a certain indication 0: the strong hold it has on the public confidence during the present administration was the Act of the Maryland Legislature, 1898, clirect- 29
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